Grupo de Investigaciones sobre Geografía Histórica


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Con el  aval  institucional del Grupo GEOLAT, Bogotá, y de  Asociación  Colombiana de Geógrafos (ACOGE)
This page was last updated: 1/13/2010
Héctor F. Rucinque
Ruinas de la primera siderúrgica colombiana (1830s),  montada en Pacho, Cundinamarca.



(y algo de historia ambiental)

Héctor F. Rucinque

* Ítems en la biblioteca del compilador
@ Ítem disponible en la web


Segunda Parte

[Primera Parte]

Larson, Brooke. 1988. Colonialism and agrarian transformation in Bolivia: Cochabamba, 1550-1900. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.

*Leighly, John, ed. 1967. Land and life: A selection from the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer. Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press.

Léna, Philippe, and Oliveira, Adélia Engrácia, eds. 1991. Amazônia: a fronteira agrícola 20 anos depois. Belém, Brazil/France, Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi/ORSTOM. Coleção Eduardo Galvão

Lester, A. 1999. Historical geographies of Imperialism. En: Modern historical geographies, B. Graham,  and C. Nash,  eds.  (New York, Prentice-Hall), 100-120.

Lindahl-Kiessling, Kerstin, and Landberg, Hans, eds. 1994. Population, economic development, and the environment. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

*Lovell, W. George. 1992. “Heavy shadows and black night”: Disease and depopulation in colonial Spanish America. Annals of the Association of Amrican Geographers, 82 (3), 426-443.


*Mackinder, Halford J. 1904. The geographical pivot of history. Geographical Journal,  23, 421-437. Repr. en: Human geography: An essential anthology, eds. John Agnew, David N. Livingstone, and Alisdair Rogers (Malden, Mass., Blackwell Publishers, 1996), 536-551.

*McGreevey, William Paul. 1982. Historia económica de Colombia 1845-1930, trad. Haroldo Calvo. Bogotá, Ediciones Tercer Mundo.

McNeill, John R. 1986. The ecological basis of warfare in the Caribbean, 1700-1804. En Adapting to Conditions: War and Society in the Eighteenth Century, ed. M. Ultee (-----, University, AL, University of Alabama Press), 26-42.

McNeill, John R. 1999. Ecology, epidemics and empires: Environmental change and the geopolitics of tropical America, 1600-1825. Environment and History, 5, 175-84.

McNeill, John R., ed. 2000. Environmental history of the Pacific basin. Aldershot, UK, Variorum.

Meggers, Betty J. 1971. Amazonia: Man and nature in a counterfeit paradise. Chicago, Adeline.

Meggers, Betty J. 1985. Aboriginal adaptation in Amazonia. En: Key environments: Amazonia, eds. G. T. & Lovejoy T. E. Prance (Oxford: Pergamon Press).

Meggers, Betty J. 1995. Judging the future by the past: the impact of environmental instability on prehistoric Amazonian populations. En Indigenous peoples and the future of Amazonia: An ecological anthropology of an endangered world, ed. L. E. Sponsel (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press).

*Meinig, D. W. 1989. The historical geography imperative. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 79 (1), 79-87.

*Meléndez Sánchez, Jorge. 2000. Camino del Rionegro: Historia regional y política de la ciudad de La Palma. Bogotá, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Merrill, Gordon C. 1958. The historical geography of St. Kitts and Nevis, the West Indies.  México, Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia.

*Mesa Bernal, Daniel. 1995. Historia natural del maíz, 2ª ed. Medellín, Departamento de Antioquia.

Milton, Kay. 1996. Environmentalism and cultural theory. Exploring the role of anthropology in environmental discourse. London and New York, Routledge.

*Mumford, Lewis. 1956. The natural history of urbanization. En: Man’s role in changing the face of the Earth, ed. W. E. Thomas (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press), 382-398. Repr. en: The ecology of man: An ecosystem approach, ed. Robert L. Smith (New York, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1972), 140-152.


*Naylor, Simon. 2005. Historical geography: knowledge in place and on the move. Progress in Human Geography, 29(5), 626-634.

*Nietschmann, Bernard. 1979. Ecological change, inflation, and migration in the far western Caribbean. The Geographical Review, 69, 1-24. Repr. en: Re-reading cultural geography, eds. Kenneth E. Foote, Peter J. Hugill, Kent Mathewson and Jonathan M. Smith (Austin, University of Texas Press, 1994), 237-259.


Offen, Karl H. 1998. An historical geography of chicle and tunu gum production in northeastern Nicaragua. Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 24, 57-74.

Ouweneel, Arij. Shadows over Anáhuac: An Ecological Interpretation of Crisis and Development in Central Mexico, 1730-1800. Albuquerque,NM, University of New Mexico Press.


Parsons, James J. 1968. Antioqueño colonization in western Colombia. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Parsons, James J. 1967. Antioquia's corridor to the sea: an historical geography of the settlement of Urabá. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.

*Parsons, James J. 1996. Urabá, salida de Antioquia al mar: Geografía e historia de su colonización, 2ª. ed.  Bogotá, Banco de la República/El Áncora Editores.

Parsons, James J., and William V. Davidson, eds. 1980. Historical geography of Latin America: papers in honor of Robert C. West. Baton Rouge, LA, School of Geoscience, Louisiana State University.

Patch, Robert. 1993. Maya and Spaniard in Yucatan, 1648-1812. Stanford, California, Stanford University Press.

Perez, Louis A. 2001. Winds of change hurricanes & the transformation of nineteenth-century Cuba. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.

Piperno, Dolores R., and Deborah M Pearsall. 1998. The origins of agriculture in the lowland neotropics. San Diego, CA, Academic Press.

*Prem, Hanns J. 1992. Spanish colonization and Indian property in central Mexico, 1521-1620. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 82 (3), 444-459.

*Price, Marie, and Lewis, Martin. 1993. The reinvention of cultural geography. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 83 (1), 1-17.


Quilter, Jeffery, and Stocker, Terry. 1983. Subsistence economies and the origins of Andean complex societies. American Anthropologist, 85, 545-62.

*Quintero Peña, Arcadio. 1971. Lecciones de historia de Colombia: La Gran Colombia. Bogotá, Biblioteca del Banco Popular.


Redclift, M. and Benton, T. 1994. Social theory and the global environment. London, Routledge.

Richardson, Bonham C. 1988. Economy and environment in the Caribbean: Barbados and the Windwards in the late 1800s. Gainesville, FL, University of Florida Press.

Rosen, C.M., and Tarr, J.A. 1994. The importance of an urban perspective in environmental history. Journal of Urban History, Vol.20, 299-310.

*Rucinque, Héctor F. 1995. Prólogo [sobre geografía histórica]. En Tubará: La encomienda mayor de Tierradentro, por José Agustín Blanco Barros (Santafé de Bogotá, Centro Editorial Javeriano, CEJA, Colección Investigaciones y Memorias), 17-24.


Sallares, Robert. 1991. The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World.  London, Duckworth.

*Salter, Christopher L. 1994. Cultural geography as discovery. En: Re-reading cultural geography, eds. Kenneth E. Foote, Peter J. Hugill, Kent Mathewson and Jonathan M. Smith (Austin, University of Texas Press, 1994), 429-436.

*Sauer, Carl O. 1941. Foreword to historical geography. [AAG presidential address]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 31: 1-24. Repr. in Land and life: A selection from the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer, ed. John Leghly (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967), 351-379.

*Sauer, Carl O. 1944. A geographic sketch of early man in America. The Geographical Review, 34, 529-573. Repr. in Land and life: A selection from the writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer, ed. John Leghly (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1967), 197-245.

*Sauer, Carl O. 1956. The agency of Man on the Earth. En: Man’s role in changing the face of the Earth, ed. William M. Thomas, Jr. (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press), 49-69. Repr. en: Readings in cultural geography, eds. P.L. Wagner and M.W. Mikesell (Chicago, The Universiity of Chicago Press, 1962), 539-557.

*Sauer, Carl Ortwin. 1966. The early Spanish Main. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.

Simmons, Ian G. 1992. Global environment and the human role.  Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies,  15, 1-8.

Simmons, Ian G. 1993. Environmental History. A Concise Introduction. Oxford, Blackwell Publishers.

Sluyter, Andrew. 1996. The ecological origins and consequences of cattle ranching in sixteenth-century New Spain. Geographical Review, 86, 161-77.

Sluyter, Andrew. 1997. Landscape change and livestock in sixteenth-century New Spain: The archival data base. Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Yearbook, 27-39.

*Sluyter, Andrew. 1999. The making of the myth in postcolonial development: Material-conceptual landscape transformation in sixteenth-century Veracruz. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 89 (3), 377-401.

*Sluyter, Andrew. 2001. Colonialism  and landscape in the Americas: Material/conceptual transformations and continuing consequences.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91 (2), 410-428.

*Smallman-Raynor, Matthew; and Cliff, Andrew D. 2001. Epidemic diffusion processes in a system of U.S. military camps: Transfer diffusion and the spread of typhoid fever in the Spanish-American War, 1898. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91 (1), 71-91.

Smith, Mark. 1995. The political economy of sugar production and the environment of eastern Cuba, 1898-1923. Environmental History Review, 19 (5), 31-48.

Smith, Richard M. 1991. When Worlds Collide: 1492-1992 How Columbus's Voyages Transformed both East and West: A Joint Project with the Smithsonian's Natural History Exhibit “Seed of Change''. Newsweek (Special issue, Fall/Winter), 48-51.

Soluri, John. 2000. Altered landscapes and transformed livelihoods: Banana companies, Panama disease, and rural communities on the north coast of Honduras, 1880-1950. In Interactions between agroecosystems and rural communities, ed.  Cornelia Butler-Flora. (Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC).

Soluri, John. 2000. People, plants, and pathogens: The eco-social dynamics of export banana production in Honduras, 1875-1950. Hispanic American Historical Review, 80 (3).

*Sorre, Max. 1962. The role of historical explanation in human geography. En: Readings in cultural geography, eds. Philip L. Wagner and Maravin W. Mikesell (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962), 44-47. Trans. from Mélanges géographiques offerts a Philippe Arbos [Clermont-Ferrand, Imp. G. de Bussac, 1953), II: 19-22.

Stanfield, Michael Edward. 1998. Red rubber, bleeding trees: Violence, slavery, and empire in northwest Amazonia. Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press.

*Stanislawski, Dan. 1946. The origin and spread of the grid-pattern town. The Geographical Review, 36: 105-120. Repr. en: Readings in cultural geography, eds. P. L. Wagner and M.W. Mikesell (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962), 318-329.

Steen, Harold K., and Tucker, Richard P., eds. 1992. Changing tropical forests: historical perspectives on today's challenges in Central & South America. Durham, NC, Forest History Society.

Super, John C. 1988. Food, conquest, and colonization in sixteenth-century Spanish America. Albuquerque, NM, University of New Mexico Press.


*Trewartha, Glenn T. 1946. Types of rural settlement in colonial America. The Geographical Review, 36: 568-596. Repr. en: Readings in cultural geography, eds. P.L. Wagner and M.W. Mikesell (Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1962), 517-538.

Turner, M. 1997. Economy, environment and environmental history: Case notes from agriculture.  Rural History, 8, 125-40.

Turner, B. L. III, and Butzer, Karl W. 1992. The Columbian encounter and land-use change. Environment, 34 (8), 16-29.


*Van Andel, T. H.; Zangger, E; Demitrack, A. 1990. Land use and soil erosion in prehistoric and historical Greece. Journal of Field Archaeology, 17, 379-396. Repr. en: The human impact reader, ed. Andrew Goudie (Oxford and Malden, Blackwell Publishers, 1997), 94-117.


Vitale, Luis. 1983. Hacia una historia del ambiente en America Latina. Mexico, Nueva Sociedad/Editorial Nueva Imagen.


Watts, David. Ecological responses to ecosystem shock in the islands Caribbean: the aftermath of Columbus, 1492-1992. In Ecological relations in historical times: Human impact and adaptation, eds. Neil Roberts, and Robin A. Butlin (Cambridge, USA/Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishers), 267-79.

Watts, David. 1987. The West Indies. Patterns of development, culture and environmental change since 1492. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Weinstein, Barbara. 1983. The Amazon rubber boom, 1850-1920. Stanford, Stanford University Press.

West, Robert Cooper. 1998. Latin American geography: historical-geographical essays, 1941-1998. Baton Rouge, LA, Geoscience Publications.

*Whitmore, Thomas M. 1991. A simulation of the Sixteenth-Century population collapse in the Basin of Mexico. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 81 (3), 464-487.

*Whitmore, Thomas M. 1991. A simulation of the Sixteenth-Century population collapse in the Basin of Mexico. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 81 (3), 464-487.

*Whitmore, Thomas M., and Turner II, B. L. 1992. Landscapes of cultivation in Mesoamerica on the eve of the Conquest.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 82 (3), 402-425.

Williams, Michael. 1994. The relations of environmental history and historical geography. Journal of Historical Geography, 20,

*Williams, Michael. 1998. “The end of modern history”. Geographical Review, 88(2), 275-300.

Worster, D., ed. 1988. The ends of the Earth: Perspectives on modern environmental history. New York, Cambridge University Press.


Xiaoxiang, Sun. 1994. The city should be rich in the pleasures of wild nature--a traditional aesthetic concept of China for urban planning. Ekistics, 61 (364-365), Jan/April, 22-28.


Young, David A. 2002. A news space-time computer simulation method for human migration. American Anthropologist, 104(1), 138-158.


Zarrilli, Adrián Gustavo. 2001. Capitalism, ecology adn agrarian expansion in the Pampean region, 1890-1950. Environment and History, 6 (4), 561-83.

Zeder, Melinda A. 1994. After the revolution: Post-Neolithic subsistence in northern Mesopotamia. American Anthropologist, 96(1), 97-126.

Publicaciones Especiales:

“Historical Geography and Environmental History”, Journal of
Historical Geography, vol.20, 1994, pp.1-43. (Three essays by William
Cronon, David Demeritt and Michael Williams).

Journal of American History, special issue on Environmental History,
vol.76, 1990, pp.1087-1147. (Seven short essays including Carolyn
Merchant on gender and environmental history).



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